
Tuesday 4 March 2014

INDN 311: Initial thoughts

For this paper we are lucky enough to have an entire semester to do one project, albeit separated by several presentations (they've gotta keep us on track somehow). However this extended amount of time - just over three months - is great because it means that we have enough time to fully resolve the entire thing and come out the other side of the project with a design that is actually fully completed, with all of the kinks worked out and nothing left to finish. Which means no last minute cutting corners and no unfulfilled potential!

Fuck YES.

The premise revolves around a handheld electronic device, stripping it down to its core parts and re-inventing it into something different, and better. However the "handheld electronic device" part of the brief is very liquid, which means that we get the opportunity to run in some pretty crazy directions with it. There is the usual with fare some people going for digital cameras, stereos and other relatively standard objects. However others are milking the brief and going in really cool directions, an electric guitar for example.

I have found myself in this second group of people. The object I have chosen to develop is actually a project from a previous project, a device that utilizes a phenomena called Tactile Sound to allow people to listen to their music in a new way, it is called Echo.

Echo works like a pair of headphones that go over your torso, but instead of playing music that you can hear it channels vibrations into your torso, allowing you to feel the music instead. It does this by using sound transducers which convert the signal from an iPod or phone into physical kinetic vibrations instead of sound. The transducers being on either side of your chest - one on the sternum and one on the spine - means that the vibrations are channeled right into your chest cavity, this creates a unique sensation: the sound feels like its coming from the inside your chest.

The original design of Echo was really just a prototype, it is very clunky, very heavy and doesn't have a particularly ergonomic fit. These are issues I am going to have to confront in the refining process but luckily I have the time! so it shouldn't be an issue.

Oh and also the name, it felt good at the time but Echo is a bit naff.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

INDN 212: The proposal

Here we have the first layout of the system that will be used, which allows for all items to be worn alone or together while not doubling up on each other to cause friction and be uncomfortable.

The idea behind it is to find each necessary part of each object its own part of the head and to cut down on all the unnecessary parts. For instance the top strap for things that go on the front of the face can clip onto the back of the helmet or anything else that goes on the head, however it can still be used in its conventional way if there isn't anything on the top of the head for it to clip onto. The strap for any goggles that might go on is completely removed because they will always have the opportunity to clip onto the base of something that goes round the front of the face or the roof of whatever is going on the head. There was no design I could come up with that would beat regular old glasses if neither of these things were present for the goggles to clip onto though.

This is an example of the full construction set-up, with the hard hat, earmuffs, respirator,and goggles all attached to each other.

This shows the getup of a painter and how the the goggles need to clip onto something else to free up more space.

This shows how other elements can be introduced to allow the modular system to work for different people in different situations, this is a possible example of a fire-fighter and how the respirator can be swapped out for a gas mask.

I also realised that this system can apply to so many things that to limit it just to trades wouldn't be pushing it far enough, and so I started thinking about recreational activities that could use this system. These two images are examples of that, the first is an example of how a diver could use the system and the second shows how with enough different parts that fit into the system people could use them for lots of different things, this is a paintball mask. Other possible examples could include a motorcycle helmet or a bee keepers mask.

Monday 23 September 2013

INDN 212 Project 2: The Plan

My intention with this project is to create a solution for the head real estate problem, I want to create a system that makes all of the equipment used in these situations modular so that they can all be used in tandem with each other easily, but most importantly they can all be used at the same time with no problem. Its also important that the range of usable equipment isn't limited to just one profession or trade, so the goggles and helmet could be swapped out for a welders mask, or the respirator for a fireman's gas mask.

The system of how this will work is the most important part of the design, there needs to be a standardised size and shape for every part of the face affected.

Sunday 22 September 2013

INDN 212: Project 2 description and the problem

This is a big project: group work, should be interesting. The idea is that we need to find a safety problem, whether it be around the house, in an everyday object or in any imaginable everyday situation and design a solution for it "Design for the real world".

This has led me to discussions with a young gentleman named Patrick

Patrick is a plumber.

He is also a very dear friend of mine, and being a very good friend of mine I would like it if I was able to keep him safe in his work environment. One of the biggest issues that has become apparent in his area of work is the large amount of safety equipment that they have wear on and around construction sites and under houses (two places that plumbers tend to spent a large amount of time). While rules have been put in place in regards to the necessity of certain items of safety gear such as hard hats, goggles and ear muffs by OSH there has been a severe oversight in regards to one very important factor involving all of these items of safety gear: real estate.

There are so many items of headgear to wear on the job as a tradesman that by the time you are wearing a hard hat, a mask, a pair of gaggles or glasses AND a pair of ear-muffs it can be quite uncomfortable, especially around the ears.

This results in people not wearing all of their safety gear, forgoing a pair of earmuffs or their goggles in order to be more comfortable. This often causes hearing or sight problems further down the line.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Friday 13 September 2013

INDN 212: 3D Printing Process

The main part of my model (the part that isn't circuits and LEDs) is 3D printed, this is a process that I have been using as often as I can at University. I beleive that a  deep understandin of how to get the best out of these machines wil help me in the future, weather that be finding a design related job or just in my own personal life.

The potential of these machines is stagering, they allow you the chance to make the most efficently performing and eff designed product because there are none of the limitations braught about from craft, only your skill with whatever CAD program you are using. The Machine takes care of the rest.