
Tuesday 4 March 2014

INDN 311: Initial thoughts

For this paper we are lucky enough to have an entire semester to do one project, albeit separated by several presentations (they've gotta keep us on track somehow). However this extended amount of time - just over three months - is great because it means that we have enough time to fully resolve the entire thing and come out the other side of the project with a design that is actually fully completed, with all of the kinks worked out and nothing left to finish. Which means no last minute cutting corners and no unfulfilled potential!

Fuck YES.

The premise revolves around a handheld electronic device, stripping it down to its core parts and re-inventing it into something different, and better. However the "handheld electronic device" part of the brief is very liquid, which means that we get the opportunity to run in some pretty crazy directions with it. There is the usual with fare some people going for digital cameras, stereos and other relatively standard objects. However others are milking the brief and going in really cool directions, an electric guitar for example.

I have found myself in this second group of people. The object I have chosen to develop is actually a project from a previous project, a device that utilizes a phenomena called Tactile Sound to allow people to listen to their music in a new way, it is called Echo.

Echo works like a pair of headphones that go over your torso, but instead of playing music that you can hear it channels vibrations into your torso, allowing you to feel the music instead. It does this by using sound transducers which convert the signal from an iPod or phone into physical kinetic vibrations instead of sound. The transducers being on either side of your chest - one on the sternum and one on the spine - means that the vibrations are channeled right into your chest cavity, this creates a unique sensation: the sound feels like its coming from the inside your chest.

The original design of Echo was really just a prototype, it is very clunky, very heavy and doesn't have a particularly ergonomic fit. These are issues I am going to have to confront in the refining process but luckily I have the time! so it shouldn't be an issue.

Oh and also the name, it felt good at the time but Echo is a bit naff.

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