
Monday 14 May 2012

Stop Motion in progress

My main idea for my stop motion project involves the idea of augmented reality, put into place through a pair of glasses. This will allow the wearer to interact with and use technology and media on an extremely intimate, fluid and accessible manner, interacting with and using several different devices at once such as a stereo, a phone and a tablet PC. This is how I intend to implement the theme of media design, the course I am specializing in.

The challenge with this is that i have to create a completely new product that doesn't exist (atleast in popular culture) and make it look like a believably popular device for a possible future, something that is absorbed into popular culture like the iPhone. To do this I am going to have to make the device look professional and the overlay of the augmented reality look intuitive.

I have searched the internet for ideas and came across some firefighters masks in the sates that impose augmented reality on the vision for the firefighters, so that they always know where their colleges are in a blaze, thermal imaging of where the blaze is the strongest. It can be found here.

I have also found other images that i can use for inspiration.

This one shows how you can put alot of detail on the screen and alot of information, but it looks very cluttered and inconsistent as far as coloring goes. I will need to make one that isn't as cluttered, alot more accessible and intuitive to use. Also a design aesthetic that is consistent across the UI.

This one shows how the hand can be used as a tool for imposing and using the augmented realities UI, very similar to the firefighters'.

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