
Tuesday 24 September 2013

INDN 212: The proposal

Here we have the first layout of the system that will be used, which allows for all items to be worn alone or together while not doubling up on each other to cause friction and be uncomfortable.

The idea behind it is to find each necessary part of each object its own part of the head and to cut down on all the unnecessary parts. For instance the top strap for things that go on the front of the face can clip onto the back of the helmet or anything else that goes on the head, however it can still be used in its conventional way if there isn't anything on the top of the head for it to clip onto. The strap for any goggles that might go on is completely removed because they will always have the opportunity to clip onto the base of something that goes round the front of the face or the roof of whatever is going on the head. There was no design I could come up with that would beat regular old glasses if neither of these things were present for the goggles to clip onto though.

This is an example of the full construction set-up, with the hard hat, earmuffs, respirator,and goggles all attached to each other.

This shows the getup of a painter and how the the goggles need to clip onto something else to free up more space.

This shows how other elements can be introduced to allow the modular system to work for different people in different situations, this is a possible example of a fire-fighter and how the respirator can be swapped out for a gas mask.

I also realised that this system can apply to so many things that to limit it just to trades wouldn't be pushing it far enough, and so I started thinking about recreational activities that could use this system. These two images are examples of that, the first is an example of how a diver could use the system and the second shows how with enough different parts that fit into the system people could use them for lots of different things, this is a paintball mask. Other possible examples could include a motorcycle helmet or a bee keepers mask.

Monday 23 September 2013

INDN 212 Project 2: The Plan

My intention with this project is to create a solution for the head real estate problem, I want to create a system that makes all of the equipment used in these situations modular so that they can all be used in tandem with each other easily, but most importantly they can all be used at the same time with no problem. Its also important that the range of usable equipment isn't limited to just one profession or trade, so the goggles and helmet could be swapped out for a welders mask, or the respirator for a fireman's gas mask.

The system of how this will work is the most important part of the design, there needs to be a standardised size and shape for every part of the face affected.

Sunday 22 September 2013

INDN 212: Project 2 description and the problem

This is a big project: group work, should be interesting. The idea is that we need to find a safety problem, whether it be around the house, in an everyday object or in any imaginable everyday situation and design a solution for it "Design for the real world".

This has led me to discussions with a young gentleman named Patrick

Patrick is a plumber.

He is also a very dear friend of mine, and being a very good friend of mine I would like it if I was able to keep him safe in his work environment. One of the biggest issues that has become apparent in his area of work is the large amount of safety equipment that they have wear on and around construction sites and under houses (two places that plumbers tend to spent a large amount of time). While rules have been put in place in regards to the necessity of certain items of safety gear such as hard hats, goggles and ear muffs by OSH there has been a severe oversight in regards to one very important factor involving all of these items of safety gear: real estate.

There are so many items of headgear to wear on the job as a tradesman that by the time you are wearing a hard hat, a mask, a pair of gaggles or glasses AND a pair of ear-muffs it can be quite uncomfortable, especially around the ears.

This results in people not wearing all of their safety gear, forgoing a pair of earmuffs or their goggles in order to be more comfortable. This often causes hearing or sight problems further down the line.

Saturday 14 September 2013

Friday 13 September 2013

INDN 212: 3D Printing Process

The main part of my model (the part that isn't circuits and LEDs) is 3D printed, this is a process that I have been using as often as I can at University. I beleive that a  deep understandin of how to get the best out of these machines wil help me in the future, weather that be finding a design related job or just in my own personal life.

The potential of these machines is stagering, they allow you the chance to make the most efficently performing and eff designed product because there are none of the limitations braught about from craft, only your skill with whatever CAD program you are using. The Machine takes care of the rest.

INDN 212: The Planned Uncanny

I have developed what I think is a solid aesthetic direction for the light: a planned uncanniness.
The Uncanny is a word used to describe something that is slightly alien or foreign but still very similar to real life. I would like to carry this idea through my design because my object is quite uncanny, it is something that is trying to add a feature to the human body, something natural and organic, in a really mechanical and invasive way.

Originally it was planned to have it metallized in silver and have it become a very pretty object of desire, but I decided that the object should be more subtle. This decision was made because this object is very permanent and so I felt it shouldn't be what could be thought of as over the top. Instead it is something that looks almost organic and fits into the little gap between your collarbone, trapezius muscle and neck.

The three lights represent the two halves of the heart and the veins of the cardiovascular system and the black lines are there for several reasons. The first is that they make the model look almost like you have circuits running through part of you, as the main body of the implant is skin coloured. The second is that they mimic the way that blood flows through he whole system, the right side of the heart pumps blood to your lungs and then too the left half of the heart, a small task compared to what the left side does. The left side pumps blood ALL the way around your body, from the tips of your fingers to your toes.

This part represents the part that would go under the skin of your neck and actually measure your pulse, while then sending it back to the main part do be displayed by lights. It has a "removable" top because every now and again things might stop working or need a new battery. Getting an operation each time this happens seams unnecessary. The black is just there so make it easier to remove when i needs to be and to give it a slightly more 'industrial' look.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

CCDN 231 project 2: Glamour and Jackets

Glamour is described as the attractive or exciting quality that makes certain things seem more appealing or special. I have decided to link it to my activity of putting on a jacket because a jacket is often used for this purpose, to add a sense of glamour to the person who is wearing it. To this end I have come up with three experiments I will conduct in order to attempt to add an air of glamour to act of putting on a jacket. A secondary objective of these experiments was to try and create a ‘manly’ glamour, as even though men can be glamorous it is a word usually associated with femininity (Dyhouse, 2011).

Experiment 1: Catered Jacket Application
This experiment involved the participant having someone put the jacket on for them, the only thing they had to do was put their arms out for the sleeves to be put on. This changed the physical side of the activity, allowing someone to perform an activity for the participant was described in depth by the participant as “nice”. Upon further questioning it was discerned that it made the subject feel more important as there was less effort required on their behalf. The sense of sight was also changed, as the subject had their field of vision taken up by someone doing up their jacket for them, this is where the experiment was considered unsuccessful. The subject claimed that this made them feel uncomfortable and self-conscious which is detrimental to the overall effectiveness of the experiment.

Experiment 2: Scented Jacket
This experiment was designed to change the smell of the experiment, cologne was sprayed on the cuffs and collar of the jacket with the goal being for the smell to wear off on the wearer when they put the jacket on. Being incredibly subtle, the addition of the cologne wasn’t actually noticed by the subject until it was pointed out. The subject then went on to describe how much of a change it did actually make; it made the experience more refreshing and gave a subtle confidence to the subject. They claimed they felt more attractive and more charismatic, simply because of the change in smell. Smell it seems is incredibly powerful at setting the mood of an experience (Owen, 2010).

Experiment 3: Garment Bag
Interestingly enough, putting more barriers between the person and the end goal (wearing the jacket) made it feel more “official”. In this case it was a bag that the jacket came in, however it wasn’t just that getting the jacket on was hard; Having it on a coat hanger and in a garment bag made the jacket feel more premium, like the jacket was not allowed to get dirty or be marred in any way. The subject felt it gave it an air of prestige and authority to the coat.

The experiment that turned out to be the most successful was the second one, the scented jacket, this is opposed to what Thrift said in ‘The material Practices of Glamour’ that appearances were the most effective at conveying a sense of glamour. This is most likely because smell is such a strong sense for affecting a persons mood (Owen, 2010) whereas - like beauty - the physical side of glamour is all subjective and in the eye of the beholder (Dyhouse, 2011).

Owen, D. (2010, January 25). The Dime Store Floor, What did childhood smell like? The New Yorker, 33-37.
Thrift, N. (2008) ‘The Material Practices Of Glamour’ In Journal Of Cultural Economy. 1:1
Dyhouse, C. (2011) Glamour: Women, History, Feminism. London: Zed Books.

Saturday 7 September 2013


Further research into creating something that will read your pulse has shown to be difficult and has made me realize something. I am not an engineer and I have no idea how to create something like this, it would take up too much time and distract from the point of the assignment: design a light. So I am going to design a light with the idea that I will code an Arduino Unit to pulsate and create the illusion that it is a persons heart.

While this is unfortunate in that I wont be able to have something that actually works, rather a representation.

INDN 212: First model

The first model I designed that I actually want to make is this circular one, its small and can be placed into the body at any angle the wearer wants.


The reason the left side is larger than the right is because the left side of the heart has to pump your blood all the way around your body, as opposed to the right which inly goes through the lungs and then across to the left size