
Friday 13 September 2013

INDN 212: The Planned Uncanny

I have developed what I think is a solid aesthetic direction for the light: a planned uncanniness.
The Uncanny is a word used to describe something that is slightly alien or foreign but still very similar to real life. I would like to carry this idea through my design because my object is quite uncanny, it is something that is trying to add a feature to the human body, something natural and organic, in a really mechanical and invasive way.

Originally it was planned to have it metallized in silver and have it become a very pretty object of desire, but I decided that the object should be more subtle. This decision was made because this object is very permanent and so I felt it shouldn't be what could be thought of as over the top. Instead it is something that looks almost organic and fits into the little gap between your collarbone, trapezius muscle and neck.

The three lights represent the two halves of the heart and the veins of the cardiovascular system and the black lines are there for several reasons. The first is that they make the model look almost like you have circuits running through part of you, as the main body of the implant is skin coloured. The second is that they mimic the way that blood flows through he whole system, the right side of the heart pumps blood to your lungs and then too the left half of the heart, a small task compared to what the left side does. The left side pumps blood ALL the way around your body, from the tips of your fingers to your toes.

This part represents the part that would go under the skin of your neck and actually measure your pulse, while then sending it back to the main part do be displayed by lights. It has a "removable" top because every now and again things might stop working or need a new battery. Getting an operation each time this happens seams unnecessary. The black is just there so make it easier to remove when i needs to be and to give it a slightly more 'industrial' look.

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