
Monday 30 July 2012

Solidworks and 3DS Max models

My final solidworks model wound up looking like this:


These are some of my first 3DS Max models, taken from it:

Development 1

These are my first 10 iterations (including the original solidworks model) I played with bending and stretching but ultimately I stuck with the FFD 4x4x4 modifier because it gave me more direct control. these first few were extremely sharp, with curved edges that looked like blades. However the problem here was that I didn't really follow my  second word. female, close enough. While these models all look disturbing in their own right they don't look personified enough to be given female features.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Concept Sketches

These are my sketches for concepts to import into solidworks, they were all done in my sketchbook

The one on the left here is the one I am going to use, it looks almost like a skull side-on but also has 'hips' and what looks like a long leg.

More Precedents

I have found another precedent to ad to my list. It is a youtube clip from the opening scene of a videogame called 'Dead Space 2', a horror game that revolves around the idea of zombies in space (im not kidding) this scene shows the transformation one of the characters goes through, it only takes a few seconds.

Monday 23 July 2012

112: Fun and Functional

Yesterdays studio required us to bring along one item that was fun and one that we thought was more functional. i decided to bring along a PS3 controller as my fun object and a wireless mouse for my functional one. we presented these objects and then discussed them, talking about which parts of the object and the interaction we had with it we liked.

I chose my PS3 controller because of the fit that it has with the hand, heavily ergonomically designed to be comfortable with hours of use at one time. The analog sticks are covered in rubber so that thumbs wont slip off them when they happen to get a little sweaty. The palm grips are shaped to fit and the triggers are in the right spot for your fingers to pull them, managing to fit to the bends of your knuckles.
I chose my wireless mouse for the same reasons, it is ergonomically designed to fit the hand with the left and right mouse buttons being in the right spots for the tips of your fingers to click. The sides of the mouse are also covered in rubber so that you wont loose your grip and there is a thumb button that fits to be exactly under your thumb.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Initial Form

this is my first alteration of my form, by pushing the sides through the middle I can almost create a wing like form.


the precedents i have come up with all focus around the idea of a body mutated and changed.

My first precedent image is one by the Swiss artist H R Giger. It is one of his most famous images called 'Li' and is inspired by his long time girlfriend Li Tobler who committed suicide at 27. The painting shows Li, but interpreted in Gigers very specific artistic style.

The second image is one by artists Lucy McRae and Bart Hess (in the image). They work to create images that show "instinctual stalking of fashion, architecture, performance and hte body" criticizing many pop culture fo pas.
The third image is one i found on but cannot find out who made it.

My three words are going to be;

Adjective: Disturbing
Upsetting or disquieting: dismaying

The main inspiration for this word was from H R Gigers 'Li'. I want to create something that looks slightly wrong. I want peoples reactions to it to be slightly standoffish and reserved

Noun: Female
An organism of the sex or sexual phase that normally produces egg cells: normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries.

I want the form to also have a certain effeminacy to it, I want it to almost seem like a siren, beautiful but also deadly. It should seem like no matter what kind of thing it is, it is the female type.

Verb: Adapt
To make suitable to requirements or conditions: adjust or modify fittingly.

I chose this word because I want the object to look like it has evolved before you first saw it. It has gone through rigorous natural selection to become something deadly. Not neccesarily predatory, but still as if it could defend itself and kill if it needed to, and do it easily.