
Wednesday 18 July 2012


the precedents i have come up with all focus around the idea of a body mutated and changed.

My first precedent image is one by the Swiss artist H R Giger. It is one of his most famous images called 'Li' and is inspired by his long time girlfriend Li Tobler who committed suicide at 27. The painting shows Li, but interpreted in Gigers very specific artistic style.

The second image is one by artists Lucy McRae and Bart Hess (in the image). They work to create images that show "instinctual stalking of fashion, architecture, performance and hte body" criticizing many pop culture fo pas.
The third image is one i found on but cannot find out who made it.

My three words are going to be;

Adjective: Disturbing
Upsetting or disquieting: dismaying

The main inspiration for this word was from H R Gigers 'Li'. I want to create something that looks slightly wrong. I want peoples reactions to it to be slightly standoffish and reserved

Noun: Female
An organism of the sex or sexual phase that normally produces egg cells: normally having a vagina, a uterus and ovaries.

I want the form to also have a certain effeminacy to it, I want it to almost seem like a siren, beautiful but also deadly. It should seem like no matter what kind of thing it is, it is the female type.

Verb: Adapt
To make suitable to requirements or conditions: adjust or modify fittingly.

I chose this word because I want the object to look like it has evolved before you first saw it. It has gone through rigorous natural selection to become something deadly. Not neccesarily predatory, but still as if it could defend itself and kill if it needed to, and do it easily.

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