
Tuesday 2 October 2012

A growing infatuation with the Hexagon

Ever since James (my tutor) showed me the Futuristic Capillary I've been thinking more and more about the hexagon and how much it fits in the narrative of my form. Plus it just looks freaking awesome.

It fits the whole futuristic biological-technological (say that really fast 5 times, I dare you) theme and is another layer of cool looking stuff I can add to my models. Its not too much to add to my precedents right? I mean, I'm allowed 10 of the things and this makes what... seven? So yea. I'm all good :)

Ive made a quick hexagonal slate in Solidworks that I can import into my models and I couldn't be happier, I think this is going to fit really well with everything else.

Also, here's something entertaining I found while doing a Google image search for hexagon (click on the image to expand it)

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