
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Final Images: Project 3

These are my final images, Rener and Photo:

 For my render I wanted to show all of my models as if they were objects, sitting waiting in a surgury to be implanted into the body. Like a pacemaker, or a false hip. To do this I put them on a refective metal surface to mimic a stainless steel tabletop, this was also good for showing off the contrasting black and white of the models. The lighting was done to mimic the lights that would be shining down on the operating table, throwing light across the models. I also had a second light to illuminate the shapes of the models and show off the detailing/textures.

For my photo I wanted a similar effect, but I thought that just taking the photo on some stainless steel would be a bit of a cop out. So I decided to take it a step further and find some medical equipment to put in the background, and as it turns out Grdon Harris stocks surgical blades. So $20 and a bottle of food colouring later, I had a bloodied scalple for my background. The surface they are on is actually a peice of cardboard covered in reflective paint (not painted by me). As far as image manipulation goes all i really did was remove the horizon and bump up the levels.

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