
Friday 16 August 2013

INDN 212 Project 2: Research and ideas

I have been doing alot of research into body modifications like subdermal and transdermal implants for ideas on how implanting things in the skin will work. I've been learning about the types of metals that the body is more likely to accept (there is always a risk of rejection with this stuff).

I have come up with two ideas so far that I would like to work on;

1. Heart moniter
I thought of the idea of having a small light in your arm that would light up to the beat of your pulse, I looked at these sports watches and how they read athletes pulses, I don't think it would be too hard to gut one of them and reverse engineer it to work with a simple LED under the skin. The focus of this idea is just to have a constantly available reference for your pulse instead of having to read it with your fingers, plus having a constantly blipping light that you knew represented your pulse would probably be quite soothing. It would obviously need some kind of battery cap thing so that the battery could be replaced, bu that could be in the form of a transdermal part with a removable cap.

2. USB storage
Another idea was that I could implant a USB under my skin, I have the horrible ability to be able to loose nearly portable storage device I get, but if I had it implanted in myself then I wouldn't have to worry about that. This would have to be an entirely transdermal device and it would mean that I would need to have a plug in my arm and carry a USB cable around with me at nearly all times, but unless I could come up with some kind of very compact cord that could unwind?
Wheres the light? well when USB devices are being accessed by a computer they usually have a fashing light to reassure the person that they are indeed working. Yes the idea is a little bit shallow but it needs more development and exploration, but that's the intention.

These ideas are still very young and need more exploration, but they are a start.

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