
Sunday 11 August 2013

Well crap

Literally moments before taking photos, when the model was fully complete this happened:

I dropped it.

Initially I was going to try and fix it, but glueing this together would make it look like Frankenstein's monster. There's not much left to do but talk about it, so that's what I'm going to do.

Next time:
On rebuilding this object I would make it stronger. There is a problem with some of the parts in at they are very thin, this is what led to some parts being broken and is something that needs to be fixed. Obviously only to a certain extent as this is a necklace and something that is to be valued so there is no point making it incredibly durable. Maybe making it out of rubber would be a good idea? Though that doesn't really help the idea that is valuable though, something like stainless Steel or silver would be a better idea.

Also I won't drop it next time

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