
Friday 17 August 2012

200 Words

You hold in your hand the Pride Vice, an object designed to test your threshold of pain. The point of it is to fit on your hand, in the fleshy part between your thumb and the rest of your hand and be squeezed. Why? You may ask, to test your sense of inner pride. This object is designed to let people try and hurt themselves to no end except to be better than everyone else, they receive nothing in return for their pain except a validating number. One that others will have to beat as they try to do better, putting themselves through MORE pain just so that they could be ”better” than you and get a higher number.

To perform correctly, place the flesh between your thumb and the rest of your hand in the “jaw” of the object with the gears facing upwards, make sure the point coming down (or the “tooth”) from the top is placed on the first bit of flesh you can find in that area (not just skin, the small muscle). This tendon is very sensitive which is why we are using it, it’s harder to keep going. The movements are very minor but if you pay attention to the green gears you will get your score, it’s the number to the far left.

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