
Monday 6 August 2012


For our structures we are going to need to implement colour into our image, compared to the last project where we just had black and white. Finding the perfect colour combination is going to be crucial and so i have started searching right from the offset. so far i have two potential colour combinations that i really like.

Black, White and Red:
These three colours seem to work so well together because the red becomes so powerful. with no other bright colours to compete with it stands out so prominantly.

The red also seems to stand out allot more if there isnt as much of it, because it becomes the only source of colour in a sea of shades and draws the eye. 

Black and Gold:
This colour combination is so powerful because the gold gets a really powerful, rich appearance when surrounded with black

Interestingly enough though, when white is introduced all of the other colours seem muted and weaker

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