
Monday 13 August 2012

"Hero Shot" Final Render

Three words: Disturbed, Female, Adapt

I am extremely happy with how my final model turned out. In researching my precedents I wanted to find out what it was that made something disturbing. I found that it was something that does something, gives you a feeling, or makes you think of something that it shouldn't. Thats the reason why creepy children are so much more terrifying, they are supposed to be these happy, innocent creatures that need to be protected. When that innocence is taken away however it becomes incredibly jarring and comes across as what we call disturbing.

With my models I tried doing this by combining the idea of a female and ultimately the female figure with the idea of adaptation and change. Combining imagery of a pregnant woman with the twisted forms in my models makes the forms seem foreign and unnatural.

The material I used was metal, with the shininess turned down. I did this because I wanted the surface to come across like smooth, cold skin almost like a fish, so even though parts of the form may remind you of a pregnant woman, it still looks strange and doesn't really sit right. I chose to make it red because the colour is very feminine, lipstick is nearly all red, and have you ever seen a woman in a bright red dress? However it also has some very dark links aswell. The colour is very violent and also goes with death, blood and desease and is also the colour of 'no' or 'stop'.

I chose the plain black background because I didn't want anything to distract from my model. Several  ideas of backgrounds spring to mind, such as caves or spaceships or desolate planes, but putting them in there would instantly qualify the form. Putting a specific background would mean that it IS a cave creature or it IS an alien. This would instantly allow people to associate it with something and come to grips with it, they would start to understand it. This would take so much of the confusion out of the form that it would lose its impact, it would no longer become different, strange and foreign.

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