
Saturday 1 September 2012

Creating a UI

I love the idea of UI design, its something that I find so fascinating. In fact, last semester when we did the stop motion film for DSDN 101 I came up with an idea that revolved around a pair of augmented reality glasses, which allowed me the chance to design a UI of my own. This was probably the most entertaining part of the entire project (because god knows it wasn't photo shopping over 400 frames individually, scumbag Photoshop)

I also love apps, seriously. My AppStore account purchase history is impressive (both IOS and android mofo). However the UI design and UX of some of these apps is pretty disgusting, music player on Sony Android anybody? No thank you. Scumbag Sony.

For me it boiled down to the fact that if you (as the UI designer) put hurdles between the user and the content they want to access, you have failed. Of course It’s not possible to have no hurdles between a person and their content, at least not until computers can read our minds. So then it boils down to putting as few hurdles in their way as possible. While still making it in a style that is eye catching but not tacky, cool and current but won’t date, and interesting or compelling enough to keep someone’s attention. All of this needs to happen with the mind-set that while the consumer is a complete moron (as you need to account for the lowest common denominator) nothing is ever EVER his fault.

Bring it on.

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