
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Red hot needles

Heres a walkthrough of how I put the needles through the 2mm thick acrylic. (its really actually very easy)

 First heat up the needles in the flame of the blowtorch you bought (if you didn't then your lame)

 Then quickly  (thats why the image is blurry) push the needle through the acrylic while its still red otherwise it will get stuck when you try and pull it out again.

And there you go! As easy as One. Two. Three! Order within the next ten minutes and ge- wait, No.

Thats how it works, its not really that hard. Don't really even know why I did a blog post on it (EXTRA CREDIT!!)  Also if you want card to be pinned to the acrylic then hammer a pin through it first, otherwise you get a really ugly burn mark on the card.

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